Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Let’s Tax Those Darn Private Jet Owners

Recently Congress passed a bill on the debt ceiling increase, and while many are cheering, there is more to the story.

As an average American, you may look at those fortunate enough to own a private jet as greedy or having an easy life. You may be frustrated with the amount you are spending in taxes and feel as if those darn private jet owners get away with not paying as much. This is not exactly true.

Many of these individuals run or own companies that employee hundreds of people. They are providing health plans and financial benefits to their employees. Many of these individuals create charities to give back to the community (and yes as a tax break)! However, even if they benefit from their charitable contributions, the community benefits more. By creating charities, the community is served and more jobs are created. When we focus on taxing the rich, we force things like job cuts, benefit decreases and poorer working conditions.

There is definitely a spending problem in America, but heavily taxing the rich may not be the solution.

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